World Water Week 2021 – 23-27 August 2021

This past week, the annual event on global water issues was held, with a focus on developing solutions to the greatest water-related challenges worldwide (Stockholm International Water Institute, 2021). At Habitat for Humanity Guatemala (HFHG), we are compromised to bringing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) solutions to communities in the country. 

According to the United Nations database (2020), Guatemala has seen great improvements towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 6 –Ensure access to water and sanitation for all, and, in 2020, 56% of the population were using safe drinking water services and 79% were using an improved sanitation facility.  

Despite these advances, water quality is still a concern. According to Guatemala´s Ministry of Public Health (2011), more than 90% of surface water is contaminated, causing a high risk of diarrheal diseases and other health concerns, low birth weight and disproportionately affecting indigenous children. Additionally, in Guatemala most of the progress have occurred in urban areas, leaving rural areas disproportionately affected.  

As one of the solutions to improve the current WASH conditions in rural areas of Guatemala, HFHG created the Healthy Home Kits which provided three basic services to families living in poverty to improve their health and quality of life: a smokeless stove, a water filter, and a sanitary latrine. These cost-effective solutions offer families in the country improved sanitation and safe drinking water, which overall reduce the most predominant health issues seen in the communities. 

In 2019, Habitat Guatemala had delivered 3,007 Health Home kits across the 22 departments of the country, benefitting more than 300,000 people, which has allowed families and communities to improve their health and living conditions. Another compromise of HFHG is to provide access to clean water to communities in Guatemala through the supply of water filters. Since the establishment of this project, 9,300 water filters have been provided, benefiting more than 55,800 individuals living in extreme poverty. 

In the municipality of Todos Los Santos Cuchumatán, Huehuetenango, where access to water is still a concern, Habitat Guatemala developed the Rainwater Harvesting System project, which focuses on providing access to water to the families in the area. The livelihood of the community is highly dependent on potato and corn harvesting, so this project does not only guarantee access to a water source but also protects the safety of their crops. Additionally, families were provided with a water filter that ensures safe drinking water that improves their quality of life, and establishes sustainable development. 

Thanks to the collaboration of our partners and donors, other solutions have been developed to improve the WASH conditions of communities in Guatemala. Such is the case of the community San Juan in Salamá, Baja Verapaz, where families needed several improvements to their current sanitary conditions. In collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Canada and with the help of people from the community, the Integral Water and Sanitation Hygiene project was conducted, providing families with a biodigestor and porcelain toilet, a water tank, washing stations, and water filters. As a result, 56 families now have access to a consistent source of water, a sanitation facility, adequate wastewater treatment, proper space for hygiene practices, and clean water. 

The benefits of guaranteeing access to water go beyond helping the community. In Los Achiotes, Santa Rosa, people had to walk for over 40 minutes, often twice a day, to fetch water for their daily use. This area is known to be located in the Dry Extended Corridor, characterized to have a drier climate and limited water availability. Working alongside the Guatemalan NGO Agua del Pueblo, their water supply system was restored, and a Water Committee was created in the community, providing them with a sustainable and organized solution and structure. Through this project, 110 families were benefited and received different trainings on how to maintain the water supply system, water conservation, health, and hygiene. 

In celebration of World Water week, let´s be part of the conversation and provide solutions to the current water crisis and contribute to achieving access to safe water and adequate sanitation for all. 




Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social. (2011). Política nacional del sector de agua potable y saneamiento

Stockholm International Water Institute. (2021). This is world water week

United Nations. (2020). Guatemala – SDG6 data. UN Water.

María Tzaj Family – Hybrid House Program – Home for a Home

Santos (43), his wife María (27) and their three children, Ángel (8), Rómulo (6), and Amelia (2), are the owners of a new Hybrid House in the community of Chuatzan, Santa Lucía Utatlán, Sololá. While Santos work in agriculture, María stays home taking care of the children.  

Our new Hybrid House solution is a two-room home built with a mix of traditional materials: adobe blocks, cement blocks, and wood. This solution is partially subsidized which means that beneficiary families are asked to contribute towards the cost of materials and provide labor such as preparing adobe blocks, among other tasks. 

Before partnering with Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, the family used to live at Santo’s brother’s house for over six years.  The family did not have their own space as the house was small. “All of us were sleeping in a small room with not enough space for our stuff and the children to play in” says Santos.  

When asked how they feel about their new home, Santos answers, “We feel calmer, we are at peace as we have our own space.” María adds, “Now, here at our house, we can plant flowers, we can buy chickens, grow fruits and our children can play anywhere they want.”  

Santos explains that their lives have improved greatly with this new home because they no longer have to share space with other people. Now, they can do what they want and they are safe. In the future, the family would like to add tile floors. 

As part of the Hybrid House Programs, families also receive a latrine, water filter and a smokeless stove. This helps them improve their health by giving them adequate access to proper sanitation and a smoke-free environment. María used to cook on a stove that was in poor conditions, causing the smoke to stay inside their house, “The old stove was in poor condition and consumed a lot of wood. With this new one, she no longer suffers fromthe smoke and we are saving money on wood,” says Santos. 

Santos finishes by sharing a message with the donors, “Thank you to all the donors! It was a big surprise for my family. Thank you for thinking about us and for giving us this big gift. May God bless you.” 





Mercedes López Family – Hybrid House Program – Home for a Home

Lucas, his wife, Mercedes and their 8 children, Gladys (21), Claraluz (19), Giovanni (6), Mynor (14), Lucrecia (12) and Lucas (8), Rosibel (5) and Marvin (2) are the owners of a new Hybrid House in the community of Chipó, San Lucas Antonio Palopó, Sololá. While Lucas works in agriculture, Mercedes sells different herbs in the market during market days.  

Our new Hybrid House solution is a two-room home built with a mix of traditional materials: adobe blocks, cement blocks, and wood. This solution is partially subsidized which means that beneficiary families are asked to contribute towards the cost of materials and provide labor such as preparing adobe blocks, among other tasks. 

As part of the Hybrid House Programs, families also receive a latrine, water filter and a smokeless stove. This helps them improve their health by giving them adequate access to proper sanitation and a smoke free environment. Mercedes used to cook over an open fire on the floor, “I used to cook on the floor, the smoke gave me headaches and red eyes. Now, it is completely different with my new stove. I no longer have to be on my knees to cook. We cook with less wood and the smoke goes outside,” says Mercedes. Previously, the family did not own a latrine and would to go to the woods. Now, that they have a safe and hygienic place for their basic needs. 

Both Lucas and Mercedes finish by sharing a message with the donors, “Receive our greetings! Many thanks! We are very happy with our house, our children have enough space to sleep and we all sleep in peace. Thank you!”  

Before partnering with Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, Mercedes family used to live in an old one-room house built out of adobe blocks, wood and dirt flooring. “The roof was in poor condition too. When it rained the water leaked and we had to look for things to cover the children with because they would get sick,” says Mercedes. 

When asked how they feel about their new home, both Lucas and Mercedes answer, “We feel very happy and grateful. Now, the water is no longer leaking when it rains,” and Mercedes adds, “We feel content with the house, we are no longer scared of the rain and cold. I do not worry for my children anymore.”  





Juana Sánchez family – Hybrid House Program – Home for a Home

Juana (34), her husband René (35) and their four children Smiley (12), Neidy (11), Aner (9), and Julia (7) are the proud owners of a new Hybrid House in the community of Chipó, San Lucas Antonio Palopó, Sololá. René works in agriculture, while Juana stays home taking care of the children and running a small grocery store in the front of their property.  

Our new Hybrid House solution is a two-room home built with a mix of traditional materials: adobe blocks, cement blocks, and wood. This solution is partially subsidized which means that beneficiary families are asked to contribute towards the cost of materials and provide labor such as preparing adobe blocks, among other tasks. 

Before partnering with Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, Juana and her family used to live in a small house built out of adobe blocks and wood, which now serves as the kitchen. It was a small room, with two beds for the entire family. “We were living in only one room; the space was very small.  It was uncomfortable, especially for my children. The house was very warm.” says Juana. 

When asked how they feel about their new home, Juana answers, “I feel happy and very content, because now we have more space! We have split our family. Also, the house is cooler so we no longer have to endure the heat!” 

Juana explains that their lives have improved greatly with this new home because they no longer suffer from the cold during rainy season and heat during the summer. They do not worry about getting respiratory diseases, or having fleas or any other bugs that bothered them because of the dirt floor.  

In the future, the family would like to add tiles floor to the house, and also are thinking about painting the wood.  

As part of the Hybrid House Programs, families also receive a latrine, water filter and a smokeless stove. This helps them improve their health by giving them adequate access to proper sanitation and a smoke-free environment. Juana used to cook on a stove that was in poor condition, causing her red eyes and respiratory diseases. “My new stove is completely different! It consumes less wood, we no longer have to buy it so often, and the best part is that there is no more smoke inside my kitchen!” says Juana. The family has also felt a difference with their water filter. Before they had to boil water and sometimes drank it directly form the sink, causing them pain from intestinal diseases. Now, it is easier and safer to drink potable water from the filter. 

When asked which is her favorite part of the house, she smiles and answers; “Everything! We enjoy resting and listening to music with the children. They now have their own space where they do their homework without fighting.  

Julia finishes by sharing a message with the donors, “Thank you to each one of you for taking a notice in us and for supporting my family. We will forever be grateful with you for this gift. I pray to God for you and wish you many blessings in your path. We might not be able to pay you back, but God will.”  







Magdalena Simaj Family – ADISA

Magdalena (45), her husband Juan (54), their six children Diego (22), Mercedes (18), Juan (16), Miguel (13), Paulina (9),María (5) and two daughters in law are the proud owners of a new Habitat home in the community of Tzanchaj, Santiago Atitlán, Sololá.  The family prepares and sells meals.

With the support of Hope and Healing, Habitat Canada, ADISA and Habitat Guatemala, the family received a new home, a smokeless stove, a bathroom and a water filter. This helps them improve their living conditions by giving them a safe home with access to proper sanitation and a smokeless free environment. These solutions have significantly improved their lives as Magdalena shares that the family used to live in a one-room house built from cornstalks, a dirt floor and a roof made from metal corrugated sheets for over 15 years. When the family found out about this project, they were motivated to participate and actively helped with the construction process for an improved quality of life.

When asked how they feel with their new house, Magdalena responds smiling, ”We feel happy and satisfied with our house! Mercedes is happy with her room. As a family we struggled a lot to get the house done, but we did it as a family. Now, the reward is great!”

Regarding their stove, Magdalena shares that she used to cook over an open flame on the floor, which caused red eyes and respiratory diseases. “Since I was born, we have been used to cooking on the floor. I have never had the opportunity to own a stove until now,” says Magdalena. The family says that with the new stove, they now have enough space to cook everything at the same time, the save money as it consumes less wood and, most importantly, there is no more smoke in their kitchen! The family has also reported life improvements with their water filter. Before they had to boil water or consume it directly from the sink, causing frequent intestinal diseases. With the filter, they have easy access to safe drinking water.

When asked which part they like the most about the house, she answers, “Everything! We enjoy every part of it; the rooms, the bathroom and the stove too!”

18 year old Mercedes receives capacity training workshops from ADISA that are designed to create economic opportunities and break barriers for people living with a disability fight barriers so that can be active individuals in their community. When asked what she wants to do, Mercedes answers: “I would like to work in an office as a an executive. I would also like to sell beauty products .” The family works together to improve women’s rights and the rights of people living with disabilities in their community.

They share this this final message with our donors, “As a family we feel very grateful for this gift. We do not have enough money to pay you back, but we pray to God that he will keep all of you safe. Thank you!”

María Xicay Family – ADISA


María (36) and her three children, Eddy (13), Nicolás (9) and Rosario (4) are the proud owners of a new Habitat home in the community of Tzanchaj, Santiago Atitlán, Sololá.  María is a single mother who works as an artisan, making and selling traditional crafts.

The family used to live with María’s parents-in-law and 9 relatives in a small house built out of adobe blocks, rocks and dirt flooring. With the support of Hope and Healing, Habitat Canada, ADISA and Habitat Guatemala, the family received a new home, a smokeless stove, a bathroom and a water filter. These solutions helped improve their living conditions by providing them a safe, smokeless-free home with access to proper sanitation. Maria was very motivated to participate in the project as she found it to be a great opportunity to improve her family’s quality of life.

When asked how they feel with their new house, María smiles and responds, ”I feel so so happy. I love my house! Now, thanks to God, we have our own space. My children can play and do whatever they want.”

Regarding their stove, María shares that she used to cook over an open flame on the floor, causing red eyes and respiratory diseases. With the new stive there is no more smoke inside the kitchen and the family no longer suffers from respiratory diseases. Maria reports liking the water filter as it is easy to use and she knows that her family can have quick access to clean drinking water.

4 year old Rosario and Maria attend ADISA’s health clinic where they receive nutritional services. Rosario is gaining weight and thriving. When we asked her what she wants to be when she grows up, she shyly answers: “I want to keep on studying and later i will decide what I want to be.”

What the family enjoys most about their new home is that they can be together. The children spend time with Maria, while she is making her crafts. “It has been really hard for me as a single mom.  I was longing for a house of my own, a safe place for my children to grow up in. Now, my dream has become a reality,” says María.

She send this message to our donors, “Maltiox! (thank you) I am very grateful to everyone who has helped us. I felt hopeless before but now I feel better. Because of you my children have a safe place to grow up.”

Claudia Quievac Family – ADISA

Christian (27), his wife Claudia (26) and their son Zedd Alessio (4), are living in their new Habitat home in Cerro de Oro, Santiago Atitlán, Sololá.  Christian works as a mason, while Claudia stays home and weaves traditional clothing.

The family used to live at a one-room house built from corn stalk, wood and dirt flooring. “Our old house was in poor condition. It was cold and the water leaked in when it rained.” mentions Christian.

With the support of Hope and Healing, Habitat Canada, ADISA and Habitat Guatemala, the family received a new home, a smokeless stove, a bathroom and a water filter. These simple solutions are providing this family with  safe, smoke-free home with access to proper sanitation. The family was happy and motivated to be part of this project that would help improve their quality of life.

When asked how they feel with their new house, the family responds, ”This house is a blessing for us. We want to give thanks to everyone involved.  We are no longer feel cold in our house, the water no longer comes in.” Claudia adds, “The house is so pretty and clean. Everything is perfect.”

Regarding their stove, Claudia shares that she used to cook over an open flame on the floor, causing respiratory diseases and red eyes. With their new stove, she no longer has to lay on her knees to cook and does not have to endure the smoke. They are saving money as the stove consumes less wood.

They like their new bathroom reporting, “Now, it is more comfortable and we no longer have to share it with our large family.” The family is happy with the water filter as it is safe, easy to use and prevents diseases. Before they boiled water or drank it directly form the sink, causing diarrheal diseases, significantly impacting Zedd.

Zedd attends ADISA’s Special Education School at Cerro de Oro. “At school, they teach Zedd how to draw, write and play so that he can develop his abilities and to learn to talk,” says Claudia. As young parents, both Christian and Claudia are fighting to provide Zedd, and other children with disabilities, with a better future. They feel happy to have have supportive families and neighbors.

What the family enjoys most about their new home is that Claudia can now enjoy cooking, they can spend time together where they can play with Zedd in a safe environment. “I can now come back from work, directly to a comfortable space to play with mi patojo (mi kid),” says Christian.

They want to share the following message with our donors, “Receive our gratitude! Thank you for making our dream a reality. We are very happy with our house, and we are grateful for people like you, who help others.”

Rutilia Cardona family – Hybrid House Program – Home for a Home

Rutilia (36), her husband Margarito (39) and their four children Erica (12), Elder (7), Kevin (5), and Wendy (4) are the proud owners of a new Hybrid House, in the municipality of Sacchim, San Sebastian, Huehuetenango. Both Margarito and Rutilia  work in the fields collecting coffee.

Our new Hybrid House solution is a two room home built with a mix of traditional materials: adobe blocks, cement blocks, and wood. This solution is partially subsidized which means that beneficiary families are asked to contribute towards the cost of materials and provide labor such as preparing adobe blocks, among other tasks.

Before partnering with Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, Rutilia and her family used to live at Rutilia’s parent’s house built out of adobe blocks and wood. They shared one room with five other relatives. “We were living in only one room. It was in poor conditions.  We did not have enough space and it was uncomfortable,” says Rutilia.

When asked how they feel with their new home,  Rutilia answers, “I feel very happy! We feel content with our children! It is comfortable and we have more space too.” 

María explains that their lives have improved greatly with this new home because they no longer suffer from the cold during rainy season. They do not worry about getting respiratory diseases or any other ailment.

As part of the Hybrid House Programs, families also receive a latrine, water filter and a smokeless stove. This helps them improve their health by giving them adequate access to proper sanitation and a smoke free environment. Rutilia used to cook over an open flame, causing the smoke to stay inside their house, “The old stove irritated my eyes and hurt my lungs. I have been cooking like that since I was a little girl. Now, I feel happy to cook on the new stove… it is very big and I enjoy making coffee and beans.” says Rutilia.

When asked which is her favorite part of the house, she smiles and answers; “Everything! I enjoy our room, my kitchen, everything!”

Rutilia finishes by sharing a message to the donors, “We are very grateful to God and each one of you. Thank you for giving us this gift, our home! I am sending my greetings and regards to each one of you and your families.”