Rosaura Hernández Family

Rosaura lives with her husband Erwin and their son Pablo (7) in their new Habitat home in Quetzaltenango. While Erwin works as a teacher, Rosaura weaves traditional clothes and takes care of the home.

Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala, the family used to live with Erwin’s mom in Cantel, a nearby town, in which there was not enough space for them. “It was a small house, with just two rooms, one for the kitchen and one for the bedroom,” explains Erwin.

The family learned about our programs through several neighbors and after doing some research they decided it was time to invest in a place to call their own! When asked about how they feel with their new home, Rosaura answers: “I feel happy, as a family we needed our privacy and now we have it!”

In the future they are planning to add doors to each room and make some small improvements to the house. “We are taking it step by step, because we would like to add lots of things!” says Erwin; “We are very joyful to have enough space! Now I can work without interrupting my son’s sleep and he can play whenever he wants to play now too.”

About the volunteers they recall: “it was a fun week, they worked hard, even though it was very difficult to carry all the materials and water!” Rosaura continues, “May God bless you for your support, I wish you all many success, receive our greetings. We miss and remember you everyday! Thank you for your love and playing with Pablo, the hearts that you left are inside our walls now.”

“We are grateful to Habitat staff for the support they give to all families in need.”