Rosalina Galicia Family

Rosalina, her husband and three children live on a hillside of Colonia Puerto Rico that overlooks the nearby city of Chimaltenango—it’s a beautiful property. The view of the surrounding mountains is green, verdant and expansive. Rosalina’s father owns the land and gifted Rosalina and her husband the land, but building a house was a costly undertaking they simply couldn’t afford.

A neighbor shared with them about Habitat –the organization would afford them the opportunity to build their own home, if they could secure their own land – land Rosalina’s father already had ready for them. Rather than continuing to rent the house they were in –they decided to pursue the opportunity of having their own house. “We knew we could be pushed out at any moment,” Rosalina said. When asked how she feels having her own house, she said, “I feel content, it’s our house, our own property. The kids are well and we are very happy.”

The family remembers the volunteers who came to help them build. “They were very kind. When they left, almost all of us cried.” “We want you to know that we remember you all a lot, the kids ask for you, whether we can call you, when you’re coming next, and when is the next time you can play?” “I show them the photos we have and remind them of the joyful time—you are in our hearts.”