Odilia Reyes Family

Odilia lives with her grandchildren, Luis (17) and Alejandra (15) and her mother Martha in their new Habitat home. Her daughter Rossanna (34), is currently living in another country in order to provide them with a living.

Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala, the family used to live in a small house with not enough room for everybody. That is why Rossana decided to invest in the future and built a home of their own, “especially for my daughter, so she can have a place to live when she comes back,” refers Odilia.

When asked regarding how she feels with their new home, Odilia says: “We feel happy, now we are no longer paying rent, we know that we are investing in something secure, she continues; “In the future we will like to change the ceiling and add a terrace,  for a second story, also add a wall to circle the house,” Says Odilia about future plans.

About the volunteers and their experience with them, Odilia recalls: “We enjoyed our time with them! They worked really hard. We went to the springs together and shared good memories, we even cooked!”

“Thank you for your support, it was really nice experience, we remember about you a lot! Feel welcome to come back again and visit us!”