Healthy Home Kit: Sonia de Quintanilla

Sonia lives with her husband José Luis, Delmy (26) and a grandson Juan Anthony (13) in the outskirts of San Pedro las Huertas, Sacatepéquez.  Don José Luis works as a blacksmith in San Pedro, Delmy works in Guatemala City and Sonia stays home taking care of the chores and Juan Anthony.

Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala to receive a Healthy Home Kit that consists of a smokeless stove, sanitary latrine and a water filter. Sonia used to cook over an open flame, causing her to have red eyes and respiratory diseases. Furthermore the family did not have access to proper sanitation or safe drinking water.

“I feel very happy with my stove, it works very well and saves wood too!” she continues explaining about their latrine, “when we moved here, we built our own latrine but it was in bad shape, it was not well built, and I was scared that someone would fall in it. Now it is completely different, because it is new and clean!” When asked about how the family feels about their water filter, Sonia smiles and answers;  “Excellent excellent! It is working perfectly and most important, the water that we are drinking it is clean and safe to drink now!”

To the team that made this project possible, Sonia wants to say; “I am very grateful to all for their support, this kit is a huge blessing. I admire everyone that helps others. May God multiply all that you are giving.”