Ana María Catu Hybrid House Program – Presbyterian Church of Bend Foundation

Ana María, her husband Alex, and their baby girl María, are the owners of a new Hybrid Home in the community of Caserio Panimacip, San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá.  

Our Hybrid Home is a two-room home built with a mix of traditional materials: adobe blocks, cement blocks, and wood. This solution is partially subsidized which means that beneficiary families are asked to contribute towards the cost of materials and provide labor such as preparing adobe blocks. Before receiving a new Hybrid Home, María and her family used to live in her parents-in-law’s house. Sharing it with ten people. When asked how they feel about their new home, María answers, “I can now say that I have my own house. Anita has her own space to play and that makes me feel proud”. 

As part of the Hybrid House Programs, families also receive a latrine, smokeless stove, water filter and pila. This helps them improve their health by giving them access to proper sanitation, a smoke-free environment and safe drinking water.  When asked what her favorite part of the house is, she answers; “I like all of it. I like the fact that it has a high ceiling and we have our own room”. 

María finishes by sharing a message with the donors, “Receive my greetings and our gratefulness. Thanks to you, we now have a house of our own”.