The Juarcax Family

Carlos and Clementina Juarcax’s primary motivation to build a new home was for their three children: Carina, Elvis, and Eddi. When they learned about the low-interest loan that Habitat for Humanity Guatemala offers families, they knew that this was a way to make their dream a reality. In order to qualify for a Habitat Guatemala home, families have to be able to make monthly mortgage payments. Carlos works selling food and refreshments, so the family was able to make this commitment.

When the couple talks about their new home, their joy is obvious. “Before we all shared one bedroom,” Carlos explains. “Now, the boys share a room and Carina has her own room. They were so excited! She was especially excited to have her own room–they even picked them out while the house was under construction!”

“We moved into the house on September 28th,” he continues. “And we’ve worked hard to save and buy new furniture for our children, such as this couch.” Clementina jumps in and talks about how much she enjoys the style of the house. “It’s different than the other houses around here,” she says. “When people come over they always compliment our house, and we love it too! We are so proud and happy to be here.”

Carlos also has a message he would like to share with the volunteers who spent a week helping build their home: “Thank you so much for the help you gave us! We are so happy to live in our own house. May God bless you always!”