Simona Atz – Thrivent Builds – Fred Ebbesen

Doña Simona lives with her husband Agapito, in a small community in the department of Chimaltenango. Simona takes care of the home, while Agapito works in the field.

Before partnering up with Habitat Guatemala to receive a Smokeless Stove, Simona used to cook over an open flame on the floor called “pollo”. “With the old stove, we consumed much wood and it was uncomfortable,” says Agapito. It caused her and Juan different respiratory diseases and red eyes because of the smoke.

Simón feels really happy with her new stove; “I feel happy. I only have to worry about flipping my tortillas now, I used to burn my hands a lot before, now I don’t burn myself anymore,” she continues, “We save wood too! We do not need to buy it so often, and the smoke stays outside.”

About the day of construction, Agapito recalls; “We had a good time with all of them.” They finish by sharing a message to the volunteers: “First I want to thank God, and then to all of the volunteers that supported us. We are very grateful, not everyone just comes and give you this kind of gifts, thank you!” – Agapito.