Margarita Chajil Family

María Margarita, her husband Mario, and their son Daniel (4), are now living in their new house in San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá. Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala, María and her family were living between her parents and Mario parents houses. They did not have a permanent place to call home.

They learned about Habitat Guatemala from an aunt, and after her dad gave her a piece of land, they decided it was a great opportunity to finally have a house of their own. “My son kept asking where is my house, Mom?” says María, “that was the moment that pushed us to build our own home.”

The family is decorating their house little by little and have a lot of plans for the future, such as expanding their garden and painting the walls. “I started my little garden it took me an entire morning. My son said that I did a good job,” says María.

“I feel happy with our house. We enjoy time with our son, he likes to play a lot,” reflects María on her home.

To the volunteers, she says: “Thank you for your great and hard work, we made a big progress while you were here.”