Lilian Quiñonez Family

Lilian Quiñonez lives with her husband, Ismael, and their three children, Briseida (12) Daimer (10) and  Milady (6) in their new Habitat home in Valle de las Flores Habitat Housing Community in Escuintla.  Ismael is currently working as a mason, while Lilian is a homemaker and a full time mom.

The Quiñonez family is one of the 41 families who received a fully subsidized Habitat home through the Fuego Volcano Disaster Response project.  The families who have benefited from the project are from the communities of San Miguel los Lotes, Los Barrios and El Rodeo. The Fuego volcano  eruption affected over 1.7 million Guatemalans, leaving many dead and missing, and thousands seeking refuge in temporary shelters.

Eight months have passed since the family moved into their home in Valle de las Flores. When asked about how they feel with their new home, Lilian says; ”It feels really different here. The children can come and go safely. I feel more calm, we have tried to have a different environment as a family now.”

In the future the family is planning to add a fence around the house and a new room for the kids, “I want to add a garden too,” explains Lilian.


The family has many memories about the construction with all of the volunteers and donors that helped them; “We met so many people that we never thought we would meet. It felt really nice to receive all of their support.”

She finishes with a message to all of the donors and volunteers; “I am forever thankful to all of you. Thanks to God we received this house and a safe place for our family. Nobody ever imagined that on the day of the tragedy we would lose everything. Thank you, to everyone that donated to support us.”

“I encourage everyone to continue moving forward and helping those in need without knowing them.” – Lilian Quiñonez.