De León López Family

Melvin, Edith and their two children, Daniela (8) and David (4)   are living in their new Habitat house in the department of Quetzaltenango. Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala,  Melvin, who works as a mechanic and his family lived in a small room with his mother for ten years.

They learned about Habitat Guatemala at a local hardware store that promotes our work. After thinking about it a lot, they decided it was a great opportunity to finally have a house of their own. “Now we have much more space to play with my children, and they enjoy it a lot,” explains Edith.

The de León family  is planning to add a second storage and a garden to their house in their future, “I feel really happy, cause now we know this house is ours.” refers Edith.

Edith treasures all the good times they spent with the volunteers, “I am really grateful for their support and friendship, they shared memories with my children in a very special way.”