Carmen de León Family

Doña Carmen, her husband Fredy, and their two daughters Alixa (17), Fatima (14) are now living in their new Habitat home in the department of Chimaltenango.  Fredy works as a salesman and Doña Carmen works in the Municipality of Guatemala City.

Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala, the family rented a house for over 22 years. And after learning about our programs through a friend, they decided it was time to build something to call their own.

When asked about how they feel with their home, Carmencita responds: “We feel happy and grateful to God and Habitat for this opportunity,” Fredy adds: “We are content, we can do whatever we want here, even our dogs are happy and free. It is calmer and relaxing in here.”

As a family they share good quality time in the house, “during the day it is hard because everybody is going in and out the house, but at night we all share dinner together and chat,” says Fredy.

Unfortunately Carmen, has found out that she has cancer and she has recently gone through chemotherapy, but she feels positive because now she has a safe place to recover!

Doña Carmen and her daughter smile while they remember the week of construction with the volunteers: “It was a fun week, they worked with good will,” she adds “they were really strong too!

Fredy shares that the volunteers put a coin inside the concrete mix for good luck and their daughters still wonder where it would be.

Doña Carmen shares in tears a message for the volunteers: “May all of you receive a big hug and our sincere gratitude for your support.”