Healthy Home Kit – Evelyn Vanessa Ajcot

Evelin lives with her husband, Elvis, and their two children, Nicolas (3) and Daniel (2) in a small community in Lake Atitlán, Sololá.  While Elvis works as a blacksmith, Evelin is a homemaker.

As part of Habitat Guatemala’s Healthy Home Kit, families receive a smokeless stove, a sanitary latrine and a water filter, to help them improve their health by giving them adequate access to proper sanitation, potable water and a smoke free environment.  When Evelin found out about this project, they decided it was the perfect opportunity to improve her family’s quality of life.

“I used to cook on a bigger and older stove. It consumed much more wood, which cost more money. The new one is working better, it consumes less wood. I feel happy and satisfied with it! My favorite dish to prepare is Chao Mein,” says Evelin. Now, they are no longer affected from issues created by smoke. They used to cough and suffer from irritated eyes. Now, she can cook without any fear of having health issues.

Before receiving their new latrine, Evelin explains that they had to share one with other 14 relatives. “ We did not have one just for ourselves, Now, we have more privacy and it is cleaner.” The family is very satisfied with their water filter as well. Now, Nicolás y Daniel can drink potable water and not get sick.

Adriana refers to their time with the volunteers by explaining, “It was a fun day, we enjoyed our time with all of them. We are very grateful to them and God for their support. Thank you for your kindness. May God bless you.”